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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

The world is a challenging place today/Svijet je danas izazovno mjesto

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

There is so much going on in the world today that watching the news is the most interesting thriller ever filmed. My wide-open eyes are mostly focused on the Middle East. Israel is carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and the world is watching. I will not say that the world is silent, but most of the protests do not bring any significant changes for the better. The world of politics is sluggish and inefficient and Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza do not stop. As soon as someone seriously rebels, accusations of antisemitism follow. I have never been an anti-Semite, nor will I ever be. The actions of the Israeli leaders, as well as the support of a part of the Israeli people for these leaders, resembles what we have already seen in Europe and the world from the middle of the 20th century, it resembles Nazism. Not only are innocent civilians killed, the vast majority also die of starvation and disease. It is difficult to be powerless and look in the direction of such a tragedy, which is not only the tragedy of the Palestinian people but also the tragedy of humanity in the 21st century.

America has elected Trump as its president for the second time and that fact amazes me. I am shocked that such a large number of people vote for a worse world, a world dominated by a man who is a convicted felon but who promises a better tomorrow, more money in the pockets of Americans and that is the only thing that matters. Americans are not interested in Ukraine, why, it is a distant country and completely unimportant to many. The fact that Ukraine may collapse because the Americans want more money is of no concern to half the population of America. Trump imagines that he and Putin are companions. In reality, Trump looks like a baby to me compared to Putin. I don't think it's unrealistic to expect that Putin will smear Trump on bread. And who will it break first? In Ukraine. It will start from there. And whether Trump will have any valuable influence on Israel, time will tell. President Biden was fundamentally wrong on this issue. Israel would not have gone this far in its genocide without the constant support of America.

I watch and listen to the news day after day, several hours a day. I try not to get overly upset because my upset won't really help anyone. That's why I find satisfaction in British journalists who follow the world reasonably objectively, critically and occasionally with a dose of sharp, sophisticated British humour. My favourite is Christian Fraser, BBC journalist, correspondent who covers major international stories. At least a few nights a week I watch and listen to Christian, who I first noticed during the reign of Boris Johnson. Boris Johnson once said that he did not notice that he was at a party in the government building where he stayed for about half an hour. This is from the era when parties were banned due to the covid pandemic. Christian asked one of his guests on the political show The Context: "Have you ever been in a pub for 20 minutes without noticing that you were in a pub?"

And so, from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to the recently killed Palestinian leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, from dictator Putin to, for many, the weirdly charismatic, newly elected American President Trump, from Boris Johnson to Christian Fraser... the world is truly round and above all challenging.




Monday, November 12th, 2024

Svijet je danas izazovno mjesto


Danas se u svijetu toliko toga dešava da je gledanje vijesti najzanimljiviji triler ikada snimljen. Moje su raširene oči najviše okrente potem Bliskog Istoka. Izrael provodi genocid nad palestinskim narodom u Gazi, a svijet gleda. Neću reći da svijet šuti, ali većina protesta ne donosi nikakve bitne pomake na bolje. Svijet politike je trom i neefikasan i napadi Izraelaca na palestinske civile u Gazi ne prestaju. Čim se netko ozbiljnije pobuni dolaze optužbe za antisemitizam. Nisam nikada bila antsemit niti ću ikada biti. Potezi Izraelskih vođa kao i potpora dijela izraelskog naroda tim vođama nalikuju na ono što smo već vidjeli u Evropi i svijetu iz sredine 20. stoljeća, nalikuju na nacizam. Ne samo da se nedužni civili ubijaju, na desetke Palestinaca svakodnevno, velika većina umire od izgladnjelosti i bolesti. Teško je biti nemoćan i gledati u pravcu takove tragedije koja nije samo tragedija palestinskog naroda vec i tragedija čovjecanstva 21. stoljeća.

Amerika je izabrala Trumpa za svog predsjednika po drugi put i ta činjenica me zapanjuje. Šokirana sam da toliko veliki broj ljudi glasa za gori svijet, svijet dominacije čovjeka koji je osuđeni zločinac, ali koji obećaje bolje sutra, više novca u džepovima Amerikanaca i to je jedino bitno. Ne zanima Amerikance Ukrajina, zašto, to je daleka zemlja i mnogima potpuno nevažna. To što će se Ukrajina možda slomiti zato što pola populacije Amerike želi više novca, njih to ne dodiruje. Trump umišlja da su on i Putin kompanjoni. U realnosti meni Trump izgleda kao mala beba u usporedbi sa Putinom. Mislim da nije nerealno očekivati da će Putin Trumpa namazati na kruh. A na kome će se to najprije slomiti? Na Ukrajini. Od tuda će krenuti. A dali će Trump imati ikakav vrijedan utjecaj na Izrael vrijeme će pokazati. Predsjednik Biden je po tom pitanju bitno pogriješio. Izrael nebi dugurao toliko daleko u svom genocidu bez konstantne potpore Amerike.

Ja gledam i slušam vijesti iz dana u dan, nekoliko sati dnevno. Nastojim da se ne nerviram pretjerano jer moje nerviranje baš nikome neće pomoći. Zato nalazim zadovoljstvo u britanskim novinarima koji svijet prate relativno objektivno, kritično i povremeno sa dozom britkog, istančanog britanskog humora. Najdraži mi je Christian Fraser, BBC-jev novinar, dopisnik koji prati glavne internacionalne priče. Barem nekoliko večeri u tjednu gledam i slušam Christiana kojeg sam prvi put zapazila iz doba vladavine Borisa Johnsona. Jednom je Boris Johnson izjavio da nije primjetio da je na partiju u zgradi vlade na kojem se zadržao nekih pola sata. To je iz doba kad su partiji bili zabranjeni zbog pandemije covidom. Christian je zapitao jednog svog gosta u političkoj emisiji The Context:”Dali ste ikada bili u pubu 20 minuta, a da niste primjetli da ste u pubu?”


I tako, od Izraelskog premijera Netanyahua do nedavno ubijenog palestinskog vođe Yahye Al-Sinwara, od diktatora Putina do za mnoge, nekim čudom karizmatičnog, novoizabranog američkog predsjednika Trumpa, od Borisa Johnsona do Christiana Frasera…svijet je zaista okrugao i nadasve izazovan.




Ponedeljak, 12. studeni 2024.

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