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The unscrupulous, greedy fool - Donald Trump/Beskrupulozni, pohlepni glupan – Donald Trump

Writer: Kristina LangKristina Lang

Today, I do not understand people who remain blind or are not interested in the world around us. That world is a less safe place than it has been for the past 70 years. There is a dangerous man in power in America. He is not dangerous in the same way as, say, the sly, cunning Putin. He is an unscrupulous fool who has too much power, and for whom laws mean nothing. Trump makes arrogant and hasty moves that only make sense in his narrow-minded head. This puts many countries in an extremely difficult, almost hopeless position.  When he declared that Canada should become the fifty-first American state, it seemed like a good joke. It didn't take long until we realized that the man wasn't kidding. Canada is in a truly delicate position because it cannot predict what Trump is up to. Fantasizing about annexing Greenland or taking control of Panama were also no joke, but none of that for now.

When it seemed that Trump was just babbling without much connection to reality, his idea of ​​a solution to the crisis in the Gaza Strip surfaced. He decisively suggests that with the extended hand of Netanyahu's fascistic side of Israel, they will displace Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the nearby states of Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. All those Arab countries flatly rejected it, but stubborn Trump sticks to his idea of ​​building a riviera for the world's rich on the graves of the murdered Palestinians. He questions the fragile truce that took place in Gaza after 15 months of killing and abusing Palestinians. Only Palestinians can and should live in Gaza. In my opinion, Israel would have to rebuild it the way it destroyed Gaza, with the help of America, of course, but all for the Palestinians.

And just when we had not yet taken a breath from the horror of Trump's actions regarding the Gaza Strip, Trump decides to negotiate with Putin without the Ukrainians present. Ukrainian President Zelensky warns Trump that Putin is a liar, but Trump relegates Zelensky to a secondary role in negotiating a truce over his country. Zelenskiy is an excellent politician and the kind of president Ukraine was lucky to have in those difficult war years, and Trump goes so far as to call him a dictator. Zelensky clearly and loudly tells Trump that Ukraine must have the main role in the negotiations on the truce and that no alternative created by Trump and Putin will be accepted.

Europe is at a major turning point where Trump has side-lined us. I hope and believe that Europe will be and remain united. Because we have no other choice, right?



Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Beskrupulozni, pohlepni glupan – Donald Trump


Danas ne razumijem ljude koji ostaju slijepi ili nisu zainteresirani za svijet oko nas. Taj svijet je manje sigurno mjesto nego je bio protekih 70 godina. Na čelu Amerike nalazi se opasan tip. Nije on opasan na isti način kao recimo prepredeni, lukavi Putin, on je bezkrupulozni glupan koji ima preveliku moć, a kojem zakoni ništa ne znače. Trump vuče bahate i ishitrene poteze koji samo u njegovoj uskovizionarskoj glavi imaju smisla. Time dovodi mnoge države u izuzetno tešku, gotovo bezizlaznu poziciju.  Kad je izjavio da bi Kanada trebala postati pedeset i prva Američka država činilo se to kao dobra šala. Nije prošlo dugo dok nismo shvatili da se čovjek ne šali. Kanada je u istinski delikatnoj poziciji jer se ne može predivdjeti na što je sve Trump spreman. Fantaziranje o prispajanu Grenlanda ili preuzimanje kontrole nad Panamom također nisu bile šale, ali za sad ništa od svega toga.

Kad se učinilo da Trump samo blebeće bez puno veze sa realnošću isplivala je njegova ideja rješenja krize u Pojasu Gaze. Odlučno sugerira da uz produženu ruku Netanyahuovog, fašističkog dijela Izrela raseli Palestince iz Pojasa Gaze po obližnjim državama Egiptu, Jordanu, Saudijskoj Arabiji. Sve su te arapske zemlje to glatko odbile, ali pohlepni Trump ostaje pri svojoj ideji gradnje rivijere za svjetske bogataše na grobovima pobijenih Palestinaca. On dovodi u pitanje to krhko primirje koje je u Gazi nastupilo nakon 15 mjeseci ubijanja i zlostavljanja Palestinaca. Samo Palestinci mogu i trebaju živjeti u Gazi. Po meni, Izrael bi morao, onako kako je razorio Gazu tako ju izgraditi, uz pomoć Amerike naravno, ali sve to za Palestince.

I taman kad od užasa na Trumpove poteze oko Pojasa Gaze još nismo uzeli dah, iskrsnula je Ukrajina. Trump odlučuje pregovarati sa Putinom bez prisustva Ukrajinaca. Ukrajinski predsjednik Zelensky upozorava Trumpa da je Putin lažljivac, ali Trump stavlja Zelenskog u sporednu ulogu u pregovaranju o primirju o njegovoj zemlji. Zelenskiy je izvaredan političar i predsjednik kakvog je Ukrajina imala sreću dobiti u tim teškim ratnim godinama, a Trump ide toliko daleko da ga naziva diktatorom. Zelensky jasno i glasno poručuje Trumpu da Ukrajina mora imati glavnu ulogu o pregovorima o primirju i da nikakva alternativa iskreirana od Trumpa i Putina neće biti prohvaćena.

Evropa se nalazi u velikoj prekretnici jer i nas je Trump stavio na stranu. Nadam se i vjerujem da će biti i ostati ujedinjena. Jer nema nam druge, zar ne?



Subota, 22. veljače 2025.




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