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The fragile and delicate cease-fire in Gaza/Osjetljivi i krhki prekid vatre u Gazi

Writer's picture: Kristina LangKristina Lang

A week ago, I spent a week in front of the TV watching the news non-stop from morning until late at night. The long-awaited end to the Israeli attack on the suffering, trampled and scarred Gaza has finally stopped. The truce was delayed several hours because Hamas did not announce the names of the hostages who were to be handed over to Israel that day. Due to technical problems from Hamas, that announcement was delayed, and the Israelis took advantage of this by killing 19 Palestinians.

The first Hamas hostages released were three girls: Romi Gonen, Doron Steinbrecher and Emily Damari. We saw them for the first time when the footage of the handing over of the girls from Hamas to the Red Cross was shown. The girls moved from one car to another surrounded by armed Hamas fighters and a crowd of Palestinians who crowded around. The girls were dressed in green and pink, their clothes were clean, and smiles could be seen on their faces in the first picture. During the dismissal, members of Hamas handed each of them a gift bag. They allegedly contained photographs from their life in captivity as well as a release certificate. Then they went in Red Cross vehicles to the helicopters that transported them to the Israeli Sheba Hospital, where they met their families.

The Israeli girls, hostages of Hamas, will probably after some time tell us the details of their life in captivity. In my opinion, the fact that they did not seem traumatized, or sick is a good indicator from which it can be read that they were not abused, or at least not to the extent that would show visible trauma.

Israel committed to the cease-fire agreement to release 90 Palestinians from its prisons after the release of the hostages. According to these agreements, women and teenagers were released, namely 69 women and 21 teenage boys. Their release was delayed so I may have missed some of the news, but the first thing the prisoners said was that they were abused physically and mentally.

Today, on the news, I followed the second phase of the cease-fire agreement and the release of four Israeli girls, hostages of Hamas, as well as 200 Palestinians from Israeli prisons. The girls were members of the Israeli army and wore their uniforms during the discharge. Like the previous hostages, they seemed healthy, they had small smiles on their faces and did not give off any image of disfigurement.

In contrast, Palestinians released from Israeli prisons had shaved heads and appeared malnourished. They said that there is no mercy in prison and that the situation is much worse than we can imagine.

I am happy that this phase of the exchange of hostages and prisoners went relatively well. I hope that the Israeli army will withdraw and unblock the passage of the Palestinians to the north of Gaza so that they can return to their homes in peace, even though there are only ruins there now.

Currently, 2,300,000 Palestinians are homeless. But if nothing else, at least rockets don't fall on their heads.




Saturday, January 25th, 2025

Osjetljivi i krhki prekid vatre u Gazi

Nedelju prije tjedan dana provela sam pred TVom gledajući vijesti bez prestanka od jutra sve do kasno u noć. Dugo očekivani prekid Izraelskog napada na napaćenu, zgaženu i izranjavanu Gazu konačno je prestao.  Primirje je kasnilo nekoliko sati jer Hamas nije na vrijeme objavio imena taoca koji su taj dan trebali biti izručeni Izraelu. Zbog tehničkih problema Hamasa ta objava je kasnila, a to su Izraelci iskoristili pobivši 19 Palestinaca.

Taoci Hamasa koji su bili prvo otpušteni su bile tri djevojke  Romi Gonen, Doron Steinbrecher and Emily Damari. Ugledali smo ih prvi puta kad je prikazana snimka preuzimanja djevojaka od Hamasa do Crvenog križa. Djevojke su prešle iz jednog auta u drugi okružene Hamasovim naoružanim borcima i gomilom Palestinaca koji su nahrupili okolo. Djevojke su bile u obučene u zeleno i ružičasto, odjeća na njima je bila čista i kod prve simke njihovih lica vidjeli su se osmjesi. Tokom otpuštanja pripadnici Hamasa uručili su im svakoj vrećicu sa poklonima. U njima su navodno bile fotografije iz njihovog života u zarobljeništvu kao i certifikat o otpuštanju. Potom su se vozilima Crvenog križa uputile prema helikopterima koji ih je prevezao do Izraelskoe bolnice Sheba u kojoj su se srele sa svojim obiteljima. 

Izraelske djevojke, taoci Hamasa će nam vjerovatno nakon nekog vremena ispričati detalje o svom životu u zarobljeništvu. Po meni je dobar pokazatelj činjenica da nisu djelovale iztraumatizirano niti bolesno iz čega se daje isčitati da nisu bile zlostavljane ili barem ne do mjere koje bi pokazale vidljivu traumu.

Izrael se obavezo ugovorom o prekidu vatre da nakon oslobođenja taoca pusti iz svojih zatvora 90 Palestinaca. Tim su dogovorma na slobodu puštene žene i tinjedžeri i to 69 žena i 21 dječak timejdžerske dobi. Njihovo je puštanje na slobodu kasnilo pa sam nešto od vijesti možda i propustila, ali prvo što su zatvorenici rekli bilo je da su bili zlostavljani fizički i mentalno.

Danas sam na vijestima pratila drugu fazu dogovora o prekidu vatre i otpuštanje četiri Izraelske djevojke, taoca Hamasa kao i 200 Palestinaca iz Izraelskih zatvora. Djevojke su bile pripadnice Izraelske vojske i tokom otpuštanja nosile su svoje uniforme. Kao i prethodni taoci djelovale su zdravo, na licima sui male osmjehe i nisu odavale nikakvu sliku ispaćenosti.

Suprotno tome Palestinci otpušteni iz Izraelskih zatvora bili su obrijanih glava i djelovali su neuhranjeno. Rekli su da u zatvoru nema milosti i da je situacija puno gora nego što to možemo zamisliti.

Sretna sam da je i ova faza izmjene taoca i zarobljenika prošla relativno dobro. Nadam se da će se Izraelska vojska maknuti i odblokirati prolaz Palestinaca do sjevera Gaze kako bi se u miru mogli vratiti svojim domovima pa iako su sada tamo samo ruševine.

Trenutno su 2 300 000 Palestinaca bez krova nad glavom. Ali ako ništa barem im po glavama ne padaju rakete.



Subota, 25. siječnja 2025.

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