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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Somehow endlessly yours/Nekako konačno tvoja

Sometimes I dream that I have you and that you are here,

Next to my headboard, a colourful feather pillow.

Purple dreams on a green lawn and dandelions,

Your smile beckons and calls to me from memory.

Sometimes I long for your linen touch,

Firm hands on my thighs touch me.

I dream and don't give up on my wishes,

Passion carries me into the yellow tunnels of a wonderful dream.

Sometimes I wish I was the one you're smiling at

While the days and weeks and months pass in a series without end.

The squished lava of my red desires melts and carries us away.

In every day without you, with you, somehow I still find myself.

Sometimes I'm tired of love and desire,

And then I stop in the glade, counting daisies.

Days and years pass in that fairy tale without end,

And I see the same face and smile and anger in every prince.

Sometimes I wait for the day to wake me up and stop,

But grandiose as a mountain, my longing remains the same still strong.

Days as timers do not stop my way.

Happy in my love, I am my own and somehow endlessly yours.


Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Nekako konačno tvoja

Ponekad sanjam da te imam i da si tu,

Pored mog uzglavlja šareni jastuk od perija.

Ljubičasti snovi na zelenoj tratini i maslačci,

Tvoj me osmijeh iz sjećanja mami i doziva.

Ponekad čeznem za tvojom dodirom od lana,

Čvrste ruke na mojim bedrima dotiču me.

Sanjam i ne posustajem u svojim željama,

Strast me nosi u žute tunele jednog divnog sna.

Ponekad želim da sam ja ta kojoj se smiješiš,

Dok dani i tjedni i mjeseci prolaze u nizu bez kraja.

Stiješnjena lava mojih crvenih želja rastapa i nosi nas.

U svakom danu bez tebe, uz tebe, nekako i sad nalazim sebe.

Ponekad sam umorna od ljubavi i htijenja

I tad zastanem na proplanku, brojim tratinčice.

Dani k’o i godine prolaze u toj bajci bez kraja,

A ja u svakom princu vidim isti lik i osmijeh i ljutnju.

Ponekad čekam da me dan probudi i da stanem,

Al’ velika kao planina, moja čežnja ostaje ista i jaka.

Dani kao mjerači vremena ne zaustavljaju moj put.

U svojoj sam ljubavi sretna i svoja, i nekako konačno tvoja.


Utorak, 16. svibnja 2023.

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