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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Shakespeare's plays in Cambridge/Šekspirove predstave u Cambridgeu

Not long after I started working at the University in Cambridge, my new friend Helena recommended me to watch Shakespeare's plays outdoors. Performances are held for two summer months in the college gardens and are open to the general public with a relatively small ticket price. The theatre groups that hold these shows are amateurs, but the shows themselves are very professionally made. I was delighted by the idea of ​​going to the plays, and I didn't even think about whether I would take my then eight-year-old Sara to it. "Will she understand, this is old English?" people told me. But that didn't worry me at all, and I was right. Sara loved it, and that love continues to this day. Shakespeare can be experienced on different levels, and I didn't take Sara to tragedies anyway, but only to comedies such are "Twelfth Night", "The Comedy of Errors", and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" which remains her favourite Shakespeare work to this day.

Such theatrical performances are also held in Croatia, but what differs greatly from the performances in Cambridge is the ambience and the behaviour of the people. In Cambridge, all spectators bring food and drinks, and in addition to sitting on chairs, a part of the audience brings blankets and sits on the grass with a picnic. I really like that English custom, which is so different from the custom in Croatia, where food is absolutely incompatible with any kind of theatre. What is typical for Croatian theatre is that people dress smart. This is less present and almost non-existent at Shakespeare's outdoor performances in Cambridge. My Sara and I took the dressing up Croatian custom and the picnic from English customs. This year, we took two Croatian friends, Mara and Matea, to a performance, and they were both delighted.

Taking photos of the play and the actors is strictly prohibited, so I will only attach photos that were taken before or after the play.



Monday, July 25th, 2022

Šekspirove predstave u Cambridgeu

Nedugo nakon što sam počela raditi na Sveučilistu u Cambridgeu, nova prijateljica Helena mi je preporučila da odem pogledati Šekspirove predstave na otvorenom. Predstave se održavaju tokom dva ljetna mjeseca u vrtovima koledža i otvorene su za široku publiku uz relativno malenu cijenu karte. Kazališne grupe koje održavaju te predstave su amaterske, ali same su predstave vrlo profesionalno napravljene. Oduševila me ideja da idem na predstave i nisam uopće preispitivala dali ću na njih voditi i svoju tada osmogodisnju kćer Saru. “Hoće li ona razumjeti, to je stari engleski?” govorili su mi ljudi. No nije me to uopće brinulo i bila sam u pravu. Sara je uživala, a ta ljubav traje do danas. Šekspir se može doživjeti na različitim nivoima, a Saru ionako nisam vodila na tragedije, već samo na komedije. Tu su se našle “Dvanaesta noć”, “Komedija pogrešaka”, “San ljetne noći” od koje joj je “San ljetne noći” do danas ostalo najdraže Šekspirovo djelo.

Takove se kazališne predstave održavaju i u Hrvatskoj, ali ono sto se umnogome razlikuje od predstava u Cambridgeu je ambijent i ponašanje ljudi. U Cambridgeu svi gledaoci nose hranu i piće i osim sjedenja na stolicama jedan dio gledališta donese dekice i sjedne na travu uz piknik. Jako volim taj engleski običaj koji je toliko drugačiji od običaja u Hrvatskoj gdje je hrana absolutno nespojiva sa bilo kakovom vrstom kazališta. Ono sto je tipično za hrvatske kazališne gledatelje je da se lijepo obuku i dotjeraju za odlazak u kazalište je manje prisutno ili gotovo da uopće ne postoji na Šekspirovim predatavama na otvorenom. Moja Sara i ja samo dotjerivanje preuzeli od hrvatskih običaja, a piknik od engleskih običaja. Ove smo godine na jednu predstavu vodile i dvije hrvatske prijateljice Maru I Mateu i obije su bile oduševljene.

Fotografiranje predstave i glumaca je strogo zabranjeno pa stoga prilažem fotografije koje su snimljene prije ili nakon predstave.

S ljubavlju,


Ponedeljak, 25. srpnja 2022.

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