"My beauty, my goodness"
English translation
You've been gone for long, my memories are blurry,
I close my eyes to light that path.
Life breaks me and sometimes it throws me,
But I cling to the sun, like to my mother's lap.
Your dear dream words wake me up.
Our little girl dances near me, happy and her own.
With your gentle look and the voice that love speaks,
From a distance I hear "My beauty, my goodness."
The years go by quietly, I don't count anymore.
I only pause when that number sparkles from a distance.
Time passes and I stand, and somehow, I try
And reach for the sky, and you are far away my old man.
Everything we said to ourselves went with the wind,
Now you're gone, I can't hear your voice up close.
But beauty and goodness, she is here, and she has you within her.
Sunlit people are happiness, in them I find salvation.
To my dad, with love
P.S. This is one of my favourite poems, not just out of my mum’s, but out of all poems.
Sara – Blog editor
Wednesday, June 6th 2022
“Ljepoto moja, dobroto moja”
Dugo te već nema, sjećanja su mutna,
Zatvram oči da osvijetlim taj put.
Život me lomi i ponekad baca,
A ja se hvatam za sunce, ko za mamin skut.
Tvoje drage riječi iz snova me bude,
Djevojčica naša uz mene pleše, sretna i svoja.
Uz tvoj pogled blagi i glas što ljubav zbori,
Iz daljine čujem “Ljepoto, dobroto moja.”
Tiho prolaze godine, ne brojim više,
Zastanem samo kad iz daljine zaiskri taj broj.
Prolazi vrijeme i ja stojim, i nekako nastojim
Iz ruke doseći nebo, a i ti si daleko stari moj.
I sve što smo si rekli otišlo je s vjetrom
I nema te više, iz blizine ne čujem tvoj glas.
Al’ ljepota i dobrota, ona je tu i u njoj te ima.
Osunčani su ljudi sreća, ja u njima nalazim spas.
Mom tati, s ljubavlju
P.S. Ovo je jedna od meni najdražih pjesmica, ne samo među maminim pjesmama nego među svim pjesmama.
Sara – Urednica bloga
Srijeda, 6. lipnja 2022.