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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Emily Brontё

In one of my previous articles, I wrote that my friend Helena was the first British woman I loved as a friend. But there was one before Helena, and that is the British writer Emily Brontё (1818 – 1848). Emily wrote the novel "Wuthering Heights" which I read as a young girl and which I have never forgotten. It is a deeply emotional drama about the obsessive love of Heathcliff and Catherine, which conveys extremely deeply the sometimes destructive power of human emotions. In "Wuthering Heights" love and hate intertwine, and the passion that arises from these emotions’ changes people's lives like a hurricane, and the change, love and destruction is passed on to the next generation. It is interesting that Emily was very young when she wrote this masterpiece, which is also her only novel. She also wrote lots of poetry, but she died young of tuberculosis at the age of 30, and thus "Wuthering Heights" remains her only published novel. Both of Emily's sisters Charlotte and Ann as well as her brother Barnwell are authors of published works, but in my opinion, Emily is a superior author compared to the works of her sisters and brother. The novel that reaches "Wuthering Heights" in popularity is Charlotte's novel "Jane Eyre". It is a romantic and beautiful story, but the depth and complexity of this novel, which is also a British classic, remains much less impressive compared to "Wuthering Heights."

It is interesting that the latest film "Emily" which is a combination of historical facts and fiction about the life of Emily Brontё, begins with her sister Charlotte reproaching her for how she could write such a terrible novel. I am therefore not surprised that after reading all the works from the constellation of published novels by the Brontё sisters, I fell in love with Emily the most. My daughter Sara had the same experience of reading "Wuthering Heights" as I did. On one occasion, we decided to watch all the available film adaptations of "Wuthering Heights", which vary in quality and consistency with the original work. Neither Sara nor for me, felt that anything shown so far can compare with the original text published in the book, although we enjoyed watching the film adaptations and looking at the story from the point of view of different directors.

The movie "Emily", which is currently showing in cinemas, is a very beautifully written story about the life and untimely death of Emily Brontё. The film shows the director's deep sympathy for Emily, who portrays her as a genuinely intelligent, distinctive, interesting, and beautiful woman both on the outside and on the inside. I highly recommend the movie to everyone, regardless of whether you were fascinated by "Wuthering Heights" like me and Sara, or you just want to watch a nice movie that is based on some historical facts.



Monday, October 31st, 2022

Photograph: Michael Wharley

Emily Brontё

U jednom od prethodnih članaka sam napisala da je moja prijateljica Helena prva Britanka koju sam zavoljela. No, zapravo bila je jedna prije Helene, a to je britanska spisateljica Emily Bronte (1818 – 1848). Emily je napisala novelu “Orkanski visovi” koju sam pročitala još kao mlada djevojka i koju nikada nisam zaboravila. To je duboko emotivna drama o opsesivnoj ljubavi Hetchliffa i Catherine, koja izuzetno duboko dočarava ponekad razarajuću snagu ljudskih emocija. U “Orkanskim visovima” isprepliću se ljubav i mržnja, a strast koja proizlazi iz tih emocija poput uragana mijenja ljudske živote, a promjena, ljubav i razdor prenose se i na slijedeću generaciju. Zanimljivo je da je Emily bila vrlo mlada kad je napisala ovo remek djelo koje je ujedno i njezin jedini roman. Pisala je i poeziju, ali umire mlada od tubrkuloze u dobi od 30 godina i tako “Orkanski visovi” ostaju njezin jedini objavljeni roman. I Emilyne dvije sestre Charlotte i Ann, kao i njezin brat Branwell su autori objavljenih djela, ali Emily se čini superiorni autor u usporedbi sa djelima svojih sestara i brata. Roman koji po popularnosti dostiže “Orkanske visove” je Charlottein roman “Jane Eyre”. Radi se o romantičnoj i lijepoj priči, ali dubina i kompleksnost te novele, koja je isto britanki klasik, ostaju po mom mišljenju znatno manje impresivni u usporedbi sa “Orkanskim visovima”.

Zanimljivo je da najnoviji film “Emily” koji je kombinacija povijesnih činjenica i mašte o životu Emily Bronte počinje tako sto joj sestra Charlotte predbacuje kako je mogla napisati tako grozan roman. Ne čudi me stoga što sam nakon pročitanih svih djela iz plejade objavljenih romana sestara Bronte, ja zavoljela upravo Emily. Moja kćer Sara doživjela je “Orkanske visove” poput mene. Jednom smo prilikom odlučile pogledati sve dostupne filmske adaptacije “Orkansih visova” koje variraju po kvaliteti i dosljednosti orginalnom djelu. Ni za Saru, ni za mene ništa se do sada prikazano ne može mjeriti sa orginalnim tekstom objavljenim u knjizi, iako smo uživale u gledanju filmskih adaptacija i pogledu na priču iz ugla različitih režisera.

Film “Emily” koji se trenutno prikazuje u kinima je jako lijepo napisana priča o životu i preranoj smriti Emily Bronte. Iz filma se isčitava istinska simpatija režisera prema Emily koji ju prikazuje kao duboko inteligentnu, osebujnu i izvana i iznutra zanimljivu i lijepu ženu. Toplo preporučam film svima, bez obzira dali ste bili fascinirani “Orkanskim visovima” poput mene i Sare ili samo želite pogledati lijepi film koji se bazira na nekim povjesnim činjenicama.

S ljubavlju,


Ponedeljak, 31. listopada 2022.

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