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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

A day with Wei and Trinity College/Dan sa Weiem i Trinity koledž

The University of Cambridge is unique in many ways, from the beautiful buildings and famous people who settled there to its internal organization and approach to students. In addition to the classic institutions of the University, student life takes place through colleges that provide accommodation but also educational support through a system of supervision and tutoring. Colleges are the ones who select students through interviews, and without getting a place in one of the colleges, you cannot study at the University of Cambridge.

The most famous college is Trinity, which dates back to the 14th century, with the most important buildings being built in the 16th and 17th centuries. Trinity is proud of the people who were members from the famous Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest physicists of all time, to the poet Lord Byron. Since the beginning of the 20th century, as many as 32 Nobel laureates have worked at Trinity, which is a much larger number than some countries can boast of.

I was recently taken to visit Trinity College by my Singaporean friend, Weigang (Wei), who was a student at Trinity College during his PhD. Although the college is often closed to visitors, it is always open to its current and former members.

Wei has returned to Cambridge for a visit in the company of his mother 6 years later. It didn't seem to me as though any time had passed at all, and I felt I had been sitting with Wei over coffee just yesterday. We met up on a wonderful early autumn day which, in addition to walking around the college, included lunch at the excellent Chinese restaurant Kung Woo in Cambridge. I was so impressed by the food in the seemingly unremarkable, small restaurant that I told my friends that I had never eaten more deliciously prepared fish.

After Cambridge, Wei and his mom are traveling to Croatia on vacation. I recommended three destinations to them, and they chose Dubrovnik. I really wish that their stay in Croatia will be as wonderful as this September Saturday has been for me in their company.



Monday, September 26th, 2022

Dan sa Weiem i Trinity koledž

Sveučiliste u Cambridgeu je po mnogo čemu jedinstveno, od predivnih građevina i slavnih ljudi koji su se na njemu našli pa sve do svoje unutarnje organizacije i pristupa studentima. Uz klasične institucije Sveučilista, studenski život se odvija kroz koledže koji obezbjeđuju smještaj, ali i potporu obrazovanju kroz sistem supervizija i tutorstva. Upravo su koledži ti koji vrše selekciju studenata putem intervijua i bez dobivenog mjesta u nekom od koledža ne može se studirati na Sveucilištu u Cambridgeu.

Najpoznatiji koledž je Trinity koji datira jos iz 14. stoljeća, a najvažnije zgrade izgrađene su u 16. i 17. stoljeću. Trinity se ponosi ljudima koji su bili članovi od slavnog Sir Isaca Newtona, jednog od najvećih fizičara svih vremena, pa sve do pjesnika Lorda Byrona. Od početka 20. stoljeća na Trinityu su radila čak 32 Nobelovca, a to je mnogo veći broj od onih kojima se mogu pohvaliti čitave zemlje.

Mene je nedavno u posjet Trinity koledžu vodio moj prijatelj, Singapurac Weigang (Wei) koji je tokom izrade svog doktorata bio student Trinity koledža. Iako je koledž često zatvoren za posjetioce, uvijek je otvoren za svoje trenutne i bivše članove.

Wei je u društvu svoje mame dosao u kratku posjetu Cambridgeu nakon 6 godina. Nije mi se uopće čnilo da je sve to vrijeme proteklo i osjećala sam kao da sam sa Weiem sjedila na kavi jučer. Kad smo se našli bio je divan rano jesenji dan koji je osim šetnje po koledžu obuhvaćao ručak u izvarednom kineskom restoranu Kung Woo u Cambridgeu. Toliko me oduševila hrana u naizgled neuglednom, malom restorančiću da sam prijateljima rekla kako nikad nisam jela ukusnije pripremljenu ribu.

Wei i njegova mama nakon Cambridgea putuju u Hrvatsku na odmor. Preporučila sam im tri destinacije i oni su odabrali jednu od njih, Dubrovnik. Jako im želim da im boravak u Hrvatskoj bude lijep kao što je meni bila divna ova rujanska subota u njihovom društvu.

S ljubavlju,


Ponedeljak, 26. rujna 2022.

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